Home » Blog » Number of android apps released on amazon app store fell by 43 in september

Number of Android Apps Released on Amazon App Store Fell by 43% in September

Liam Solomon
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The number of Android apps released on Amazon’s App Store fell by 43% in September whilst the Google Play Store and Apple App Store showed slight increases despite having an already large app catalogue.

Number of Android Apps released on Amazon App Store fell by 43% in September

Compared to figures from August 2022, the number of apps released on the Amazon App Store fell by 43% in September from 6,600 to 3,800.

Number of Android Apps released to G Play Store increase by 1%, App Store apps increase by 2%

From July to September, the number of Android apps released to the Google Play Store saw a 1% increase with an extra 30,000 apps hitting the market across a three-month span.

Apple’s App Store enjoyed a 2% increase in apps on their market, with 36,000 new apps being released in October 2022.


Liam Solomon

Liam is a content writer for Best Sports Betting Canada. He has 7 years of experience writing articles on trending topics including sports and finance. Liam has a passion for analysing trending data and has had his data shared in publications including New York Times, BBC and 1000's more.

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